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MRCS Construction

Easily label work, issues and tasks for employees. Share information where to go and what do to first.

MRCS makes it possible to extends the construction site with digital information.
  • Label, find and document your work

  • Trustworthy and reliable documentation towards your customer

  • Easy and secure shareable via QR Code

  • Provides frontline workers or subcontractors digital guidance like way finding, documentation in the field

  • Work on demand based on a digital task board

  • Time saving in onboarding process of substitutes

  • GDPR compliant communication 

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There are even more conceivable applications

There are numerous other ways in which you can use MRCS in your company. MRCS makes your company more efficient, faster, and safer. It also makes your team happy, as they benefit from a modern, future-oriented workplace.

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